AFNS Test Preparation 2025 – Armed Forces Nursing Service

AFNS Test preparation is very crucial to clear the initial test of armed forces nursing services with good marks. For the nursing entrance preparation exam the AFNS syllabus overview, study resources, exam pattern analysis, and AFNS test eligibility requirements are necessary. The student must follow the affective test-taking strategies for the intelligence test like verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests.

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The candidate must also grasp academic subjects like English language skills, biology, physics, chemistry, general knowledge, current affairs, Pakistan studies, and Islamic studies concepts. Students must explore different study resources, such as the mock exam and practice papers, for the initial test preparation of the AFNS.

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Past Paper Academic 3

1 / 54

What is the Zeeman effect?

2 / 54

Which of the following best describes the nature of ammonium chloride?

3 / 54

What is the primary mode of reproduction in Zygomycetes?

4 / 54

A synonym for 'perceived' is:

5 / 54

What is the maximum angle of projection for a projectile to achieve maximum range?

6 / 54

Which structure is formed as a result of sexual reproduction in Zygomycetes?

7 / 54

In what form are hormones NOT present?

8 / 54

Which compound represents a primary alcohol?

9 / 54

What is the main event that happens during pachytene of Meiosis I?

10 / 54

What is 1 farad equal to?

11 / 54

In which phase does the growth of bacteria take place?

12 / 54

Which of the following is a characteristic that a bacterial cell is generally NOT resistant to?

13 / 54

Pepsin is a(n):

14 / 54

Ova are released from the:

15 / 54

A synonym for 'wild' is:

16 / 54

Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity?

17 / 54

The cell wall of cyanobacteria is formed of?

18 / 54

Zygomycetes are known for their characteristic:

19 / 54

Which of the following is a strong acid?

20 / 54

What is a synonym for adverse?

21 / 54

Which of the following is a mixture of low-boiling hydrocarbons?

22 / 54

Which organic compound does not undergo the Cannizzaro reaction?

23 / 54

What is the primary purpose of a venturi meter?

24 / 54

The color of xanthophyll is:

25 / 54

The hyphal structure responsible for asexual spore formation in Zygomycetes is called:

26 / 54

If we double the velocity and radius of an object, what will happen to the centripetal force?

27 / 54

My brother is devoted —--religion.

28 / 54

What is 1 torr equal to?

29 / 54

What is 1 farad equal to?

30 / 54

The electronegativity of NaCl (sodium chloride) is:

31 / 54

The reaction of an acid and metal carbonate will lead to formation of?

32 / 54

What is the term for energy per unit volume?

33 / 54

What is a synonym for fascinating?

34 / 54

What is the unit of mutual induction?

35 / 54

In what form are hormones NOT present?

36 / 54

He is blind ____ one eye.

37 / 54

A synonym for 'entirely' is:

38 / 54

What is the composition of the middle lamella?

39 / 54

Methylformate and acetic acid are which type of isomers?

40 / 54

What is a synonym for adverse?

41 / 54

Zygomycetes are commonly found in habitats such as:

42 / 54

What is the linear velocity angle?

43 / 54

What is the chemical formula of wood spirit?

44 / 54

Cyanobacteria are:

45 / 54

Which scientist performed an experiment in 1934 on auxins, a plant hormone?

46 / 54

The molecule with the shorter bond angle is?

47 / 54

The combined effect of inductance is called?

48 / 54

A synonym for 'doubt' is:

49 / 54

A synonym for 'crude' is:

50 / 54

Which characteristic is commonly shared between plants and fungi?

51 / 54

The act of transfer of pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma is called?

52 / 54

Which of the following is the best option for disinfecting your slab?

53 / 54

Which of the following waves could be polarized?

54 / 54

What is the Zeeman effect?

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AFNS Academic Test
AFNS Non Verbal Intelligence Test

The interview preparation is also important and high weightage in the selection of the Armed Forces nursing service program. Students can handle all these by time management techniques. With the subjects and the academic test preparation the student also focuses on the medical and the physical fitness standards of the Pakistan Army.

afns initial test pattern pak army

AFNS Initial Test Pattern and Syllabus

The initial test pattern and syllabus of the Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS) includes Verbal Intelligence Assessment, Non-Verbal Reasoning, and Subject Knowledge Test. The exam is MCQ-based, with questions on subjects like English Language Proficiency, Fundamentals of Physics, Basic Chemistry Principles, and Core Biology Topics. Candidates will also have to prepare for Mathematical Aptitude, Pakistan Affairs, and Islamic Studies Overview.

The exam includes steps like timing and duration, minimum passing criteria, and preliminary medical check-ups. Attendance at Army Recruitment Centers is mandatory after the GHQ interview process. Applicants are provided with facilities like study resources and materials, sample question papers, and mock exam practice through the online enrollment procedure.

It is important to focus on effective time allocation, personalized study timetables, and exam day strategies for preparation. Facilities like a comprehensive guidebook, digital testing system, and document authentication are also available. Understanding the training duration and curriculum, test structure and format, and section-wise breakdown is very important.

How to Prepare for the AFNS Entry Test

  • Focus on verbal intelligence, non-verbal reasoning, and subject knowledge to prepare for the Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS) entry test.
  • Understand the fundamentals of English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in the MCQ-based exam.
  • Use study materials and sample papers for Mathematical Aptitude, Pakistan Affairs, and Islamic Studies.
  • Work on mock test practice and time management.
  • Also, prepare for the preliminary medical check-up and GHQ interview. Take full advantage of coaching classes and online resources.

Best Source For AFNS Online Test Preparation

  • The best sources for AFNS online test preparation include digital study materials, comprehensive guidebooks, and sample question papers.
  • Practice test patterns and time management through the mock test system.
  • Complete your English, Science, and Mathematics preparation with online quizzes, video lectures, and eBooks. Understand previous year’s papers and exam trends.
  • Also, seek help from coaching centers and online forums. Read the test guidelines and instructions carefully.

afns initial test sources pak army

Intelligence Test Prep for Armed Forces Nursing Service

Focus on verbal and non-verbal reasoning to prepare for the AFNS intelligence test. Improve logical thinking, visual analysis, and verbal skills. Test your preparation with practice tests, sample questions, and mock exams. Emphasize time management and strategic planning. Take advantage of online resources, coaching classes, and study groups. Understand the test details, grading system, and success principles. Improve your performance with practice and advice.

Academic Test Preparation For Military Nursing Exam

Understand the fundamentals of English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology to prepare for the Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS) Academic Test. Use study materials and sample papers for Mathematical Aptitude, Pakistan Affairs, and Islamic Studies. Time management and strategic planning are essential in the MCQ-based exam. Complete your preparation with mock test practice, online quizzes, and video lectures. Understand previous year’s papers, exam trends, and grading system. Take full advantage of coaching classes and study groups.

Interview Test Preparation AFNS Preparation

Focus on communication skills, personality development, and general knowledge to prepare for the AFNS interview test. Understand the norms and responsibilities of the Pakistan Army for the GHQ interview. Improve your preparation with interview tips, advice, and practice sessions. Give importance to dress code, body language, and confidence. Test your performance through interview guides, sample questions, and mock interviews. Take full advantage of coaching centers and online resources. Understand interview details, grading criteria, and principles of success.

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