AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF Download – Armed Forces Nursing Service

AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF is a very important test preparation resource for accessing the AFNS study materials for the initial test. The Armed Forces Nursing Service study guide in the PDF is an all-in-one solution for the online test preparation of the initial test. The PDF books of the AFNS almost cover all the subjects, test patterns, question formats, and topics relevant to the AFNS initial test.

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For the effective study of the initial test, students must follow the AFNS practice books, reference books, and the different notes in the pdf. For the previous exam pattern students must explore the different AFNS question banks and the AFNS solved Papers PDFs. Reading the test practice books, the  AFNS mock test, as well as the preparation handbook, helps in the time management skills for the initial test of armed forces nursing.

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Past Paper Verbal Test 1

1 / 50

83 19 37 56 78 ___? 92

2 / 50

If yesterday was Monday, then the day after tomorrow will be:

3 / 50

Why do parents give education to their children?

4 / 50

91 Which of the following is not a factor of 30? 2, 3, 5, 7

5 / 50

If 2/3 of 30 passengers in a bus are men, then the percentage of women is:

6 / 50

5 7 4 6 3 ___? 5

7 / 50

What is the capital of Maldives?


8 / 50

One third of 10% of 120 is:

9 / 50

84 A baker bakes bread, a potter makes pots. What does a doctor make?

10 / 50

If a man covers 20 km in 1 hour and 40 minutes, how long does it take him to cover 1 km?

11 / 50

Adnan walks 10 meters towards north, then towards south. After this, he turns back and moves towards left. What is his present direction?

12 / 50

Point out the different from the following

13 / 50

A train's speed is twice that of a car. If the car covers 60 km in one hour, how much distance will the train cover in 30 minutes?

14 / 50

Complete the series: 115, 55, 170, 65, 235, ?

15 / 50

If the 2nd day of a month is Friday, then the 23rd day will be:

16 / 50

98 Which one is different from the rest? 10, 20, 30, 25, 50

17 / 50

90% of 90 is:

18 / 50

Sweeper is to Sweep as Washer man is to _____?

19 / 50

If the 4th day of a month is Friday, then the 19th day will be:

20 / 50

In a class of 60 male and 35 female students, 80% class failed in chemistry, 30% in English then which one is true?

21 / 50

How many months in a year have 31 days?

22 / 50

Ali bought a pen for Rs 30 and sold it for Rs 40. The profit percentage is:

23 / 50

If the 4th day of the month is Tuesday, then the 26th day will be:

24 / 50

How often does a leap year occur?

25 / 50

A man walked towards north, then turned left, and then right. His present direction is:

26 / 50

If 1 man writes 5 papers in 5 minutes, then 1 man will write 1 paper in

27 / 50

If the 14th day of a month is Sunday, then the 4th day will be

28 / 50

If the 28th day of a month is Sunday, then the 2nd day will be:

29 / 50

If the second day of a month is Monday, what day will the 12th day be?

30 / 50

2 + 2 / 2 =

31 / 50

What is the result of (2 + 2)?

32 / 50

Quarter of one tenth of 120 is:

33 / 50

If yesterday was Friday, what day will it be the day after tomorrow?

34 / 50

Saw is to Seed as Reap is to ______?

35 / 50

A train covers 120 km in 1 hour and 40 minutes. How much distance will it cover in 15 minutes?

36 / 50

Why do people use cars?

37 / 50

If 2/3 of 30 passengers in a bus are men, then the number of women is:

38 / 50

The boundary of Rann of Kutch is also called?

39 / 50

Find the odd man out: Ravi, Sutlej, Indus, Atlantic

40 / 50

2048 1024 512 256 128 64 ___ ?

41 / 50

If the 4th day of a month is Sunday, then the 19th day will be:

42 / 50

If DCF means BAD, then ECV means?

43 / 50

(8 10 6) Divide the largest of these numbers by the difference of two smaller numbers then the answer will be?

44 / 50

If the 1st day of the month is Monday, what day will the 12th day of the month be?

45 / 50

74 Which one is different from the rest? Punjab, Lahore, Ravi, Karachi

46 / 50

Which one is different from the rest? Gap, Split, Union, Divide

47 / 50

If yesterday was Sunday, then the day after tomorrow will be:

48 / 50

In a class of 24 students, if 1/4 are male, what percentage of the class are females?

49 / 50

If my age is 10 years and my brother is 2 times my age, what will be our ratio after 10 years?If my age is 10 years and my brother is 2 times my age, what will be our ratio after 10 years?

50 / 50

One third of 10% of 90 is:


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AFNS Past Papers PDF

AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF Download

Benifits of PDF Book For AFNS Test Prep

There are many benefits of using the PDF book for AFNS test preparation. The PDF book can be easily downloaded and read on any device. The PDF book covers all the important topics of all the subjects completely. The questions, practice questions, and papers of each subject can be solved easily. The PDF book can also be printed and hand notes can be made. By downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF, you can prepare at home and perform well in the test.

Key Features of AFNS Preparation Book PDF

The key features of the AFNS Preparation Book PDF make it perfect for preparation. The PDF book completely covers important topics of all subjects like Intelligence, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Knowledge, Pak Study, Islamic Study, and Current Affairs. Questions, practice questions, and papers of each subject can be solved easily. The PDF book can be downloaded and read anytime. You can strengthen your preparation by downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF.

How to Download AFNS Test Prep Book PDF

The method of downloading the AFNS Test Prep Book PDF is very easy. First of all, go to the official website of AFNS or trusted websites. Search for the PDF book and click on the download button. After downloading, save the PDF book on your device. You can also print the PDF book and make hand notes. By downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF, you can prepare at home.

Study Guide By Using AFNS Book PDF

It is very easy to create a study guide using AFNS Book PDF. The PDF book covers all the important topics of all the subjects completely. The questions, practice questions, and papers of each subject can be solved easily. You can also make hand notes by printing the PDF book. You can strengthen your preparation by downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF.

Best Source For AFNS Online Test Preparation

The best source for the online preparation of AFNS is the PDF book. The PDF book completely covers the important topics of all the subjects like Intelligence, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Knowledge, Pak Study, Islamic Study, and Current Affairs. The questions, practice questions, and papers of each subject can be solved easily. You can strengthen your preparation by downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF.

AFNS Test Preparation Book

All Subjects Book PDF For AFNS Test

The PDF book of all subjects is very helpful for the preparation of the AFNS test. The PDF book completely covers the important topics of Intelligence, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Knowledge, Pak Study, Islamic Study, and Current Affairs. The questions, practice questions, and papers of each subject can be solved easily. The PDF book can be downloaded and read at any time. By downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF, you can strengthen your preparation.

The PDF book of all subjects includes questions of Intelligence such as Verbal and Non-Verbal Intelligence, Human Body Systems of Biology, Chemical Reactions of Chemistry, Motion and Energy of Physics, General Knowledge of General Knowledge, Historical Events of Pak Study, Islamic Teachings of Islamic Study, and Current Events of Current Affairs. Solving the questions of each subject strengthens your preparation. By downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF, you can prepare at home and perform well in the test.

After downloading the PDF book of all subjects, you can also print it and make hand notes. Note down the important points of each subject and solve the practice questions. Complete the preparation for each subject using the PDF book. By downloading the AFNS Test Preparation Book PDF, you can strengthen your preparation and succeed in the test.

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