AFNS Verbal Intelligence Test For Online Exam Preparation 2025

The verbal intelligence test for the AFNS entrance exam has its weightage and importance. To get a grip on the verbal reasoning test students must focus on the intelligence test preparation and the verbal ability questions. The top topics of this test are verbal comprehension, logical reasoning, verbal analogies, word relationships, and language proficiency. The AFNS aspirants follow effective verbal test tips and must know the verbal test format and verbal test syllabus to get good marks.

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For the AFNS exam preparation, the verbal reasoning practice from the different AFNS study materials is compulsory. Students also practice for the mock test of the intelligence topics. Furthermore, pattern recognition, series completion, verbal puzzles, coding-decoding, and series completion have also become the syllabus of the AFNS verbal section to judge the student’s mental agility and cognitive abilities. Students must explore the verbal reasoning books, sample tests, and reading comprehension for this section. 

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Past Paper Verbal Test 3

1 / 59

82 Which one is different from the rest? Table, Chair, Lamp, Clothes

2 / 59

If Monday is the 4th day of the month, the 18th day will be:

3 / 59

75 Which one is different from the rest? West and South, Hard and Soft, Short and Long, Hot and Cold

4 / 59

One tenth of 90 is:

5 / 59

90 Which of the following is most unlike the others? Sunshine, Rainbow, Wind, Thunder

6 / 59

70 32 6 43 12 64 ___? 24

7 / 59

China is located in which direction of Pakistan?

8 / 59

The last letter of "UTYEAB" after arranging it will be:

9 / 59

What is the Whitely Mountain range?

10 / 59

A car is moving at 120 km/h. How much distance does it cover in 10 minutes?

11 / 59

88 Which one is different from the rest? Mouse, Elephant, Dog, Bear

12 / 59

If Ali's present age is 5 years and Sidra is twice Ali's age, calculate Sidra's age when Ali is 11 years old.

13 / 59

77 If 312 x 536 = 84, and 732 x 423 = 108, then 901 x 3257 =?

14 / 59

Dog is to bitch as horse is to:

15 / 59

76 Which pair of number does not belong to the same class? 2014-2010, 1113-1105, 8-6, 230-229

16 / 59

A person purchased a book for Rs 500 and sold it for Rs 700. Calculate the profit percentage.

17 / 59

86 Which one is different from the rest? April, May, July, October

18 / 59

What is the capital of Maldives?


19 / 59

Vehicle is to wheels as sound is to:

20 / 59

Why do people read newspapers?

21 / 59

The third letter when arranged alphabetically in "Augmented" will be:

22 / 59

71 42 21 84 42 92 ___? 44

23 / 59

A man covers 20 km in 1 hour and 40 minutes. How much time will it take to cover 1 km?

24 / 59

Where did the first Muslims migrate towards?

25 / 59

In a class of 500, if 340 are boys, what is the percentage of boys?

26 / 59

74 Which one is different from the rest? Punjab, Lahore, Ravi, Karachi

27 / 59

A train covers 120 km in 1 hour and 40 minutes. How much distance will it cover in 15 minutes?

28 / 59

A car is moving at a speed of 60 km/h, and the train's speed is double. How much distance will the train cover in 30 minutes?

29 / 59

74 Which one is different from the rest? Punjab, Lahore, Ravi, Karachi

30 / 59

A train covers 120 km in 1 hour. How much distance will it cover in 12 minutes?

31 / 59

If the 2nd day of a month is Friday, then the 23rd day will be:

32 / 59

If Ahmad walks towards the north and then turns left, what is his present direction?

33 / 59

If the 28th day of the month is Monday, then the 8th day will be:

34 / 59

An airplane flies due to:

35 / 59

91 Which of the following is not a factor of 30? 2, 3, 5, 7

36 / 59

A leap year comes every:

37 / 59

78 A is son of B but B is not A’s father. What is relationship of B to A?

38 / 59

In a class of 24 students, if 1/4 are male, then the percentage of females is:

39 / 59

What is the real name of Imam Bukhari?

40 / 59

A car is moving at a speed of 60 km/h, and the train's speed is double. How much distance will the train cover in 30 minutes?

41 / 59

83 19 37 56 78 ___? 92

42 / 59

What will be the 3rd letter in the word "Management" when it is alphabetically arranged?

43 / 59

81 29 35 42 53 58 ___? 63

44 / 59

85 41 31 21 16 11 ___? 6

45 / 59

Why do people use cars?

46 / 59

89 5, 11, 14, 20, 28 ___? 38

47 / 59

After arranging "Rapiss," it is the name of a:

48 / 59

A man walks 20 km in 1 hour and 40 minutes. How much time will it take to cover 1 km?

49 / 59

92 Which number should come next in the pattern: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ___?

50 / 59

If 1 dozen pencils cost Rs 60, what is the cost of 5 pencils?

51 / 59

87 Which one is different from the rest? Hummingbird, Crow, Pigeon, Duck

52 / 59

The boundary of Rann of Kutch is also called?

53 / 59

If Monday is the 1st day of the month, the 13th day will be:

54 / 59

What is the longest lake in the world?

55 / 59

84 A baker bakes bread, a potter makes pots. What does a doctor make?

56 / 59

72 Which of the following is a trait of character? Skill, Sinarity, Poverty, Intelligence

57 / 59

If the 2nd day of a month is Friday, then the 14th day will be:

58 / 59

73 What latter comes alphabetically in order in the letter MOTHER?

59 / 59

120 × 7 = ?

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afns verbal intelligence

Types of Questions in AFNS Verbal Intelligence Tests

The verbal intelligence tests on the Army Registered Nursing Service (AFNS) exam consist of various question types designed to test candidates’ language comprehension, vocabulary, and logical thinking skills. Here is an explanation of each type and an example:

Sentence Completion

In this type of question, an incomplete sentence is given which has to be completed by choosing the correct word or phrase.

Example: “The capital of Pakistan is __________.”

Answer: Islamabad

Word Association

In these questions, the relationship between two words has to be found, such as synonyms or antonyms.

Example: “Hot : Cold:: Day: __________”

Answer: Night


In this type of question, the relationship between two things has to be understood and another similar relationship has to be made.

Example: “Pen : Writing:: Brush: __________”

Sample Questions and Practice Resources for AFNS Verbal Intelligence

Using practice questions and resources is very important for the preparation of Army Personnel Nursing Service (AFNS) Verbal Intelligence Test. You can improve your skills with the practice questions available on online platforms like Pro Genius Students and Self These platforms include different types of questions like sentence completion, word relations, similarities, synonyms and antonyms, and comprehension passages, which strengthen your language comprehension and logical thinking. Additionally, free sample verbal tests are also available on Pro Genius Students that can help you in your preparation.

Preparation Strategies for AFNS Verbal Verbal Reasoning Tests

It is important to adopt effective strategies for the preparation of the Verbal Reasoning Test. Increase your vocabulary and master the rules of grammar. Inculcate the habit of regular study and reading to improve your language comprehension. Solve practice questions on various topics and identify your weaknesses. Additionally, according to the Times of India, increasing vocabulary, studying consistently, focusing on grammar, and taking practice tests are key points for preparation.

Time Management Tips for AFNS Verbal Intelligence Test

Effective time management is key to success in the verbal intelligence test. Go through the entire paper before starting the test so that you can get an idea of ​​the nature and difficulty of the questions. Solve easy questions first and allocate time for difficult questions later. If you find yourself struggling with a question, move on to the next one instead of wasting too much time. According to Harvard Summer School, reading the entire test, taking a “brain dump,” and answering easy questions first are the best time management techniques.

Benefits of Practicing MCQs For Verbal IQ Tests

Practicing MCQs for Verbal IQ Tests improves your language skills, logical thinking, and ability to solve questions quickly. Practice makes you familiar with different question types and increases your confidence during the exam. Moreover, verbal intelligence test MCQs available on Self help in improving your language comprehension and analytical skills.

Verbal Reasoning MCQs Weightage In AFNS Computerized Test

Verbal reasoning MCQs play a significant role in the AFNS computerized test. These questions test the candidate’s language comprehension, vocabulary usage, and logical thinking ability. To prepare for these questions, practice questions and studying previous papers are helpful. Verbal intelligence tests available on Pro Genius Students can help you in your preparation.

Afns verbal iq test

Mistakes to Avoid in the Verbal Intelligence Test

To avoid common mistakes in verbal intelligence tests, read and understand the questions carefully. Avoid making hasty decisions and focus on effective time management. According to Method Learning, being aware of common mistakes and adopting strategies to avoid them helps in test preparation.

Importance of AFNS Past Papers For Verbal Reasoning Test

Studying AFNS past papers is extremely useful in preparing for the Verbal Reasoning Test. These papers give you an idea of ​​the exam pattern, question types, and difficulty level. Moreover, practicing past papers improves your time management and question-solving speed. Past papers and practice questions are available on Pro Genius Students and Self can help you in your preparation.

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