What is PMA Long Course – Join Pak Army 2025

PMA long course is a course through which the Pakistan Army selects its army officers. It stands for Pakistani military academy course. PMA Long Course’s Official Website is Pakistan One, the first platform to offer online test preparation for PMA Pakistan Military Academy.

This is the free-of-cost test preparation platform. The Candidate who is willing to join the Pakistan army as an officer must follow the way of the PMA Course. It is one of the biggest Courses in Pakistan as and competitive exam.

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PMA Long Course Details

PMA LC consists of two phases. One is the Initial test process and the other is the ISSB test process.

The Initial test will also consist of the main three formats. Initial screening test, initial physical test, initial medical test, and the last is the initial interview. The initial screen test was also converted to three formats, Verbal reasoning, Non-Verbal reasoning, and academic.

The ISSB test is further divided into many tasks. After that, the shortlisted candidates get the pma joining letter.

PMA Long Course 155 Past Papers

PMA Long Course 155 is the recent course to join the Pakistan Army as an officer. The registration was started from September 16, 2024, to October 22, 2024. Practice the  PMA Long Course 155 past papers are very essential for the PMA Long Course 156 initial test. This is because many questions come from the previous test of the pma long course.

Prepare The All Past Papers Of PMA Long Course

PMA Long Course 151 Past PapersPMA Long Course 154 Past Papers
PMA Long Course 153 Past Papers PMA Long Course 152 Past Papers
PMA Long Course 150 Past PapersPMA Long Course Mega Test
PMA Long Course 148 Past PapersPMA Long Course 149 Past Papers
PMA Long Course 142 Past PapersPMA Long Course 140 Past Papers
PMA Long Course 143 Past PapersPMA Long Course 141 Past Paper
PMA Long Course 144 Past PapersPMA Long Course 145 Past Papers
pma long course 147 Past PapersPMA Long Course 146 Past Papers

PMA’s official website focuses on the standardized test, which follows the same pattern as the Pakistan Army Test Centers test course. The website almost covers all the questions related to the test, including the Academic and intelligence tests, which include verbal and nonverbal tests.

Online Test From All AS&RC Centers Of Pakistan Army

Test # 1Test # 2Test # 3 Test # 4
Test # 5Test # 6

PMA official website

This is a two-year training program held twice a year. Candidates who pass the F. A or the equivalent certificate in education can join the Pakistan Army as a Second Lieutenant. This is the easiest way to become the Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army.

The website offers the following modules related to the test.

Pak Army Long Course Full Overview

This section will give you full information and guidance about the Pakistan military Academy. You can get the test guide and other information about the Pakistan military academy. Here is the A-Z information and the answers to your all queries.

In this category, we cover all the information from the initial test to the issue recommendation letter. We also explain the initial test pattern. Initial interview, initial physical requirements, and the initial medical test clearness tips as well.

Test Preparation

This website section provides the test preparation material to pass the PMA long course initial test. Candidates can easily access the test. The time feature is also available and you can note your test capability and time taken to solve the test. We provide the data and the test material in different formats including past papers, books, and notes in pdf forms.

Pakistan Military Academy Official Website Past Papers

The PMA Past Papers section includes all the past papers and questions from previous tests held in PMA centers. It consists of tests from all the AS&RC, including AS&RC Karachi, AS&RC Lahore, AS&RC Rawalpindi, AS&RC Multan, AS&RC Bahawalpur, and many others. In this category, we provide all the past papers of all the selection centers of the Pakistan military academy.

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