AFNS Test MCQs With Answers – Armed Forces Nursing Service Exam Prep 2025

AFNS test preparation of the MCQs with the answers helps the candidate to track the preparation performance for the initial test. AFNS question banks MCQs with answers ensure the question format and the paper pattern for the exam practice. Every student must solve the AFNS sample questions MCQs with a solution for better understanding.

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To get good marks for the AFNS test preparation students make an effective plan to prepare the AFNS solved papers, AFNS mock tests, Different subjects MCQs with answer explanations, and the solved test papers. All these resources are the best mirror of the actual armed forces nursing exam pattern and the question types. Student must focuses on the Past MCQs with answer keys as well as the AFNS online test preparation to fulfill the actual test preparation.

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Past Paper G.Knowledge Test 3

1 / 57

Who wrote Pakistan's National Anthem?

2 / 57

Which river is the largest river in Asia?

3 / 57

Who is the current health minister?

4 / 57

Capital of Somalia

5 / 57

Tarbela Dam is built on:

6 / 57

Separation of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) happened in

7 / 57

Separation of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) happened in

8 / 57

Who selects the Chief Justice?

9 / 57

Who designed Pakistan's National Flag?

10 / 57

Capital of Somalia

11 / 57

First radio station of Pakistan was established in

12 / 57

First Prime Minister of Pakistan

13 / 57

Which is the largest seaport in Pakistan?

14 / 57

Which city is the most populated in the Pakistani province of Sindh?

15 / 57

The Mughal Empire was founded by

16 / 57

Bangladesh separated from Pakistan after how many years?

17 / 57

Largest country (in population)

18 / 57

Who became the first Pakistani woman to summit K2?

19 / 57

Which city is the most populated in the Pakistani province of Sindh?

20 / 57

Indus river length

21 / 57

The first recorded Olympic Games were held in

22 / 57

Dolphins are found in which river of Pakistan?

23 / 57

Pakistan has got how many Nobel Prizes?

24 / 57

First woman Prime Minister in Pakistan

25 / 57

The current Defense Minister of Pakistan is

26 / 57

Who is the current Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)?

27 / 57

First Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces

28 / 57

Who is the current Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)?

29 / 57

Composer of National Anthem

30 / 57

Pakistan won Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time in

31 / 57

First foreign Minister of Pakistan

32 / 57

Founder of iPhone

33 / 57

Capital of Venezuela

34 / 57

Pakistan won Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time in

35 / 57

It was officially adopted as Pakistan's national anthem in

36 / 57

Last Mughal Emperor

37 / 57

Capital of Venezuela

38 / 57

Separation of East Pakistan (Bangladesh) happened in

39 / 57

Last Mughal Emperor

40 / 57

Which river is the largest river in Pakistan?

41 / 57

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w’s teeth were martyred in which gazwa?

42 / 57

Wazir Khan Masjid is in

43 / 57

Who selects the Chief Justice?

44 / 57

Last Mughal Emperor

45 / 57

Capital of Venezuela

46 / 57

Manama is the capital of which country?

47 / 57

Malala Yousafzai got the Nobel Peace Prize in?

48 / 57

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w’s teeth were martyred in which gazwa?

49 / 57

Pakistan won Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time in

50 / 57

Malala Yousafzai got the Nobel Peace Prize in?

51 / 57

What is the currency of Bangladesh?

52 / 57

Which pass connects Kohat with Afghanistan?

53 / 57

Who wrote Pakistan's National Anthem?

54 / 57

Capital of Venezuela

55 / 57

The Mughal Empire was founded by

56 / 57

It was officially adopted as Pakistan's national anthem in

57 / 57

Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?

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AFNS Verbal Intelligence Test

AFNS Test MCQs With Answers

Benifits of Practicing MCQs for AFNS Entry Test

There are many benefits of solving MCQs for AFNS test preparation. Solving MCQs gives you a complete understanding of the nature of the questions, test pattern, and complexity of the questions. Note down the important topics of each subject and solve questions related to these topics in MCQs. Solving MCQs allows you to practice time management, understanding the questions, and giving correct answers. Solving AFNS Test MCQs With Answers strengthens your preparation and allows you to perform at your best in the test.

Tips to Solve AFNS MCQs Accurately and Quickly

Here are some important tips to solve AFNS MCQs accurately and quickly. First of all, read the question carefully and try to choose the answer. Each question has four options, one of which is correct. Note down the wrong answers and read these topics again. Focus on time management and try to solve each question within the given time. After solving AFNS Test MCQs With Answers, review your performance and address the shortcomings.

Subject Wise MCQs With Answers For the Armed Forces Nursing Exam Preparation

Biology MCQs with Answers for Armed Forces Nursing Services

Biology MCQs are included in the Pakistan Army Nursing Service (AFNS) exam to test the candidates’ grasp of biological concepts. These questions cover topics such as cell theory, photosynthesis, human body systems, and ecological balance. For example, a question may ask where the process of photosynthesis takes place. Studying previous papers and reviewing their answers is very useful in preparing for these questions. Additionally,

Chemistry MCQs with Solutions for Nursing Entry Test

Chemistry questions cover topics like chemical interactions, compounds, elements, chemical equations, atomic structure, molecules, acids and bases, chemical bonds, chemical changes, chemical reactions, chemical formulas, chemical properties, chemical equilibrium, chemical energy, and chemical laws.

Each question has four options, one of which is correct. Solving AFNS Test MCQs With Answers gives you a complete explanation of the nature of the questions and the answers. Read the solution of each question carefully and understand the mistakes. Solving Chemistry MCQs strengthens your preparation and you can perform well in the test.

Physics MCQs with Answers for Military Nursing Exam

Physics MCQs are included in the Pakistan Army Nursing Service (AFNS) exam to test the candidates’ grasp of basic concepts of physics. These questions cover topics such as mechanics, dynamics, electricity, and magnetism. For example, questions based on laws of motion, principles of energy, circuits, and electromagnetic induction are common. To prepare for these questions, it is very useful to study previous papers and review their answers. Furthermore,

Verbal Intelligence MCQs with Explanations for Nursing Test

Verbal intelligence questions are included in the Pakistan Army Nursing Service (AFNS) exam to test the logical thinking and verbal skills of the candidates. These questions cover topics such as synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, and relationships between words. For example, in one question, two words are given and it is asked how they are related to each other. To prepare for these questions, it is very useful to study previous papers and review their explanations. Additionally, the materials available on have explanations of verbal intelligence questions that can be helpful in preparation.

Non-Verbal Intelligence MCQs with Answers for AFNS Preparation

he Army Registered Nursing Service (AFNS) exam includes non-verbal intelligence MCQs to test the analytical and logical thinking skills of the candidates. These questions cover topics such as recognition of pictures, shapes, and patterns. For example, one question presents a series of shapes and asks what the next shape will be. It is very useful to study previous papers and review their answers to prepare for these questions.

AFNS Test MCQs With Answers explanation

Past Papers MCQs with Answers for Nursing Entry Exam

Solving MCQs from old papers is very important for AFNS test preparation. Old papers include questions from all subjects like Intelligence, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, General Knowledge, Pak Study, and Islamic Study. Note the important topics of each subject and solve questions related to these topics in old papers.

Solving old papers gives you complete knowledge of the nature of questions, test patterns, and complexity of questions. Each question has four options, out of which only one is correct. Solving AFNS Test MCQs With Answers strengthens your preparation and you can perform well in the test.

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