PMA Long Course 148 Past Papers for Initial Test

PMA Long Course 148 past papers are a very important source to clear the initial test of the pma long course. In pma 148 past papers we mostly cover all types of questions. We provide the question banks from all the AS&RC  exam centers. so, by solving the past papers mcq’s of the pma 148 you will increase your chance to clear the initial test of the pma long course.

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1 / 55

What is the name of the book by Choudhry Rehmat Ali?

2 / 55

Who was the first woman shaheed in Islam?

3 / 55

What is the biggest lake in the world?

4 / 55

Who started the Mughal Empire?

5 / 55

Qila Bala Hissar is located in which city?

6 / 55

What is the height of K-2?

7 / 55

When was the separation of Bengal?

8 / 55

The book "The Discipline Dilemma" was written by?

9 / 55

The headquarters of IMF and World Bank is located in?

10 / 55

How many Ayat were in the first Wahi?

11 / 55

The acid found in ant bites is called?

12 / 55

Which area of Pakistan is famous for illegal weapons?

13 / 55

Who is the death angel?

14 / 55

The boundary of Rann of Kutch is also called?

15 / 55

What was the name of Hazrat Ibrahim AS's father?

16 / 55

Which Surah has Bismillah twice?

17 / 55

Pakistan won the 1992 World Cup under the captaincy of?

18 / 55

Where is the CIA headquarters located?

19 / 55

Makkah was conquered in which year?

20 / 55

What was the duration of the Quran's revelation?

21 / 55

What is the largest fort in Pakistan?

22 / 55

Balakot is on which river?

23 / 55

OPEC stands for?

24 / 55

Muslim Bagh is famous for?

25 / 55

Hazrat Hamza RA was martyred in which battle?

26 / 55

What is the largest freshwater lake in the world?

27 / 55

The tomb of Data Ganj Bakhsh is located in which city?

28 / 55

The Prophet SAW migrated to Medina in which year?

29 / 55

Bait-ul-Muqaddas is located in which mosque?

30 / 55

Where is Mohenjo Daro located?

31 / 55

What is the longest lake in the world?

32 / 55

Jahangir Khan was a player of?

33 / 55

The Torah was revealed on which prophet?

34 / 55

When was the first census held in Pakistan?

35 / 55

The book "The Dividing Discipline" was written by?

36 / 55

Who was the leader of the Battle of Yamama?

37 / 55

Taxila is in which district?

38 / 55

What is the deepest lake in the world?

39 / 55

How many books are in Sahih Sitta?

40 / 55

Who was the first US president to visit Pakistan?

41 / 55

Where do the rivers Jhelum and Chenab meet?

42 / 55

Islamabad is situated on which mountain range?

43 / 55

Which area of Pakistan is famous for illegal weapons?

44 / 55

In which city was Benazir Bhutto killed?

45 / 55

Who originally built the Kaaba?

46 / 55

Tarbela Dam is situated in which area?

47 / 55

Masjid-e-Wazir is located in which city?

48 / 55

What was the first battle in Islam?

49 / 55

What tribe did Hafsha RA belong to?

50 / 55

What date is observed as Defence Day in Pakistan?

51 / 55

Which Surah starts without Bismillah?

52 / 55

Which party won the election in 2008?

53 / 55

Kalabagh is located in which district?

54 / 55

How many seats are reserved for women in the Senate?

55 / 55

How many seats are reserved for women in the National Assembly?

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The average score is 44%


PMA Long Course 148 Past Papers Are Essential

PMA Long Course 148 Past Papers are a valuable resource for test preparation. They provide a clear picture of the types of questions that arise in the test. This is very important for candidates who want to focus on their preparation properly.

PMA Long Course 146 Past Papers

PMA Long Course 143

One of the great advantages of past papers is the ability to find recurring question types. Many questions from previous assessments are answered by a similar sample, making it easier to understand key issues. This way, applicants can prioritize their research work.

PMA Long Course 148 past paper

In addition to familiarizing candidates with the exam format, working towards the papers builds their self-confidence. They start getting comfortable with it as well, which reduces the tension on the day of the exam. Self-confidence is an important factor in being able to function well in times of stress.

Types of Questions in PMA Long Course 148 Past Papers

The test format includes verbal, non-verbal, and educational components. Working in addition to the PMA Long Course 148 papers can provide applicants with a solid knowledge of these sections. This knowledge of the assessment process will help applicants improve their chances of success.

Verbal reasoning consists of analogies, whole sentences, and logical connections. Reviewing previous papers allows candidates to practice these questions again and again.

Nonverbal reasoning creates special patterns. At this stage, the candidate’s ability to assume logically and solve problems quickly. Previous papers help aspirants get familiar with these puzzles and improve their reaction time.

The subject section of the exam covers subjects like Basic Knowledge, Pakistan Survey, and Simple Mathematics. The preceding papers help candidates to explore their strengths and weaknesses in these subjects. This makes the guide accurate and useful for final review.

PMA Long Course 148

Effective Study Tips Using PMA Long Course 148 Past Papers

  • Start by finishing papers at the time. This allows candidates to test their speed and accuracy, which is important for the actual competition.
  • After each exercise completion, analyze the answers to the questions you solve.
  • Identify areas where mistakes have been made and identify fateful weaknesses review episodes. This review and correction procedure builds both accuracy and confidence.
  • Get rid of paperwork, and solve without distractions and time stress. This allows candidates to get used to the stress of the actual exam and prepare to manage it at a higher level if necessary.
  • Time Management is essential for this review. Completing the test in addition to the paperwork helps applicants improve their speed and accuracy.
  • Regular practice allows you to complete the test within the time limit needed to pass the initial stage.

PMA Long Course 148


PMA Long Course 148 past papers are an important source for preparing for the PMA Long course initial test. Regular practice familiarizes candidates with question formats and speeds up problem-solving, both of which can be very beneficial. Time management is one of the most important essential skills that candidates will expand through the exercise.

Finally, regular practice with old PMA Long Course 148 books builds confidence. By learning the nature of the questions and acquiring knowledge to solve various problems, applicants increase their chances of passing the pre-screening and advancing in the selection process.

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